Support EAB with Amazon Smile
Amazon discontinued Amazon Smile in February 2023.
Did you know that Amazon runs a system by which it will transfer a small percentage of the price of eligible products to a charity of your choice? That scheme is called Amazon Smile, and EAB is one of the charity's you can select.
To make use of the service, be sure to use the Amazon Smile site rather than the standard Amazon one: Everything about the site is the same as the normal one except the name.
Once you're there and are logged in, you will be asked to select your charity. We're easy enough to track down:
And then you shop as normal. That's all you have to do: the rest is automatic. Hovering on the AmazonSmile item in your user bar will show you which charity you've nominated, and what you've raised so far.
It's also available within the app!
So it's really straightforward. The only challenge is remembering to shop at Amazon Smile instead of the usual location. You just have to get used to typing 'sm' and letting your browser remember the rest!