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News about EAB and our publishing activities, new items and offers in our shop, and other things of interest


Support EAB with Amazon Smile

Amazon discontinued Amazon Smile in February 2023.

Did you know that Amazon runs a system by which it will transfer a small percentage of the price of eligible products to a charity of your choice? That scheme is called Amazon Smile, and EAB is one of the charity's you can select.

To make use of the service, be sure to use the Amazon Smile site rather than the standard Amazon one: smile.amazon.co.uk Everything about the site is the same as the normal one except the name.

Once you're there and are logged in, you will be asked to select your charity. We're easy enough to track down:


And then you shop as normal. That's all you have to do: the rest is automatic. Hovering on the AmazonSmile item in your user bar will show you which charity you've nominated, and what you've raised so far.


It's also available within the app!


So it's really straightforward. The only challenge is remembering to shop at Amazon Smile instead of the usual location. You just have to get used to typing 'sm' and letting your browser remember the rest!



Bill Chapman: 1950-2020

Our friend Bill Chapman, an Esperantist since the age of 16, sadly passed away peacefully on Thursday, May 21 2020. Bill had been battling cancer, with his usual cheer and optimism, over the past year. Unfortunately, despite steps to isolate him, Bill contracted Covid-19 and was taken to hospital, where he left us, although not before telling the nursing staff all about Esperanto, true to form!


It isn't possible to do justice to Bill in a notification like this one. Rest assured that there will be more about Bill in the next issue of La Brita Esperantisto. Much as many of us would dearly like to salute Bill, I'm afraid that lockdown restrictions limiting public gatherings and entry into Wales mean that it is very unlikely that we will have the opportunity to. If the situation changes, I will post an update.

Bill's family have nominated two charities which meant something to Bill, should anybody wish to make a donation in his memory. They are:

  • Citizens Advice Bangor, which offers free, independent and confidential advice that helps people with legal and financial worries, and of which Bill was a trustee;
  • Awyr Las Gogledd Cymru - Blue Sky North Wales, an NHS Charity that supports the specific hospital wards, departments or community healthcare services which the NHS in North Wales cannot provide.

Nia amiko Bill Chapman, kiu esperantistiĝis nur 16-jara, bedaŭrinde forpasis pace ĵaudon la 21-an de majo 2020. Dum unu jaro li bataladis kanceron, kun siaj kutimaj gajeco kaj optimismemo. Malgraŭ granda kloplodado izoligi lin, Bill bedaŭrinde enhospitaliĝis pro KOVIM-19. Plena nekrolojo aperos en La Brita Esperantisto. Pro la pandemio, ŝajnas neeble, ke eksterfamilianoj povos partopreni la funebraĵojn. Se la situacio ŝanĝiĝos, mi diskonigos la informojn.


La familio de Bill elektis du bonfarajn asociojn al kiuj oni povus mondonaci memore al Bill. Tiuj estas:

  • Citizens Advice Bangor (Konsila servo por civitanoj en la urbo Bangor), kiu proponas senpagajn, sendependajn kaj konfidencajn konsilojn al homoj kun zorgoj leĝaj kaj financaj, kaj de kiu Bill estis kuratoro.
  • Awyr Las Gogledd Cymru - Blue Sky North Wales, bonfaraĵo de la nacia sanservo, kiu subtenas precipe la hospitalajn sekciojn kaj sanservojn en la komunumo, kiujn la NHS (Nacia sanservo) en Norda Kimrujo ne povas provizi. 



Kaptitaj voĉoj en SoundCloud

EAB kreis konton ĉe SoundCloud, al kiu ni alŝutas sondosierojn de prelegoj el la pasinteco.


La prezentojn surbendigis Ivor Hueting. Nove ciferecigitaj, ili nun estas disponeblaj al ĉiuj.

La unua prezento alŝutita estas de nia honora prezidanto, John Wells, de la Universala Kongreso de 1989 en Brajtono. La temo estas enketo pri prononcaj preferoj de anglalingvanoj, informoj utilaj por la tiam eldonota prononcvortaro Longman Pronunciation Dictionary. Ĉu seka unua temo? Tute ne! Temas pri proksimume unu horon da flue elparolita Esperanto. Ne gravas ĉu vi estas nova lernanto, ĉu vi konas ĉiun vorton de La Espero: estas en ĝi io por ĉiuj.

Ni aldonos baldaŭ kontribuaĵojn de Ivo Lapenna, Marjorie Boulton, kaj William Auld, por listigi nur kelkajn, kaj esperas, ke vi ĝuos, kio alvenos!



Voices From The Past On SoundCloud

EAB has created an account on SoundCloud where we are uploading recordings from the past.


The presentations were recorded on audio cassettes by Ivor Hueting. Newly digitised, they're now freely available for all to enjoy.

The first presentation uploaded is of our honorary president, John Wells, from the World Esperanto Congress in Brighton in 1989, who had just been elected president of UEA. The subject matter is a pronunciation preference survey which he had conducted to inform the Longman Pronunciation Dictionary, published in 1990. Dry? Not at all! It clocks in at around an hour of faultlessly delivered Esperanto. Whether you're a new learner or have decades of singing La Espero under your belt, you'll get something out of it.

We will soon add contributions from Ivo Lapenna, Marjorie Boulton, and William Auld, to name just a few. We hope you enjoy what's in store!



AGM 2020 cancelled

Sent to members by email and post on March 25, 2020. It supercedes the announcement of March 18.

Dear members,

Owing to the restrictions imposed by the UK Government on March 23, EAB's AGM is now postponed. We do not currently have an alternative date to announce.

EAB's trustees are obliged to hold an AGM before October 1. They therefore have plenty of time to consider solutions to the restrictions on gathering in public and unnecessary travel. The Charity Commission advises that charities which have a clause in their governing document providing for General Meetings to be conducted virtually should consider using it; EAB, however, does not have this option available. I'm afraid that holding the AGM digitally is therefore not currently a possibility.

Several members have submitted postal votes for the trustee elections and nominated proxies to represent them at the AGM. Since the announced AGM has now been postponed, the postal votes will be discarded and proxy arrangements cancelled. I'm sorry that this will cause inconvenience for some of you down the line, but it seems preferable to start afresh than risk confusion several months hence.

Owing to a constitutional amendment made in 2014, meetings of the trustees can be held virtually, which means that trustee meetings will still go ahead. The trustees will hold a short virtual meeting in a month or so's time to formally confirm a decision made in email to co-opt Simone Davis, a candidate for trusteeship, on the basis that she would almost certainly have been appointed by the members in the AGM. Since Rich Smith and Damon Lord would have stood down at the AGM, they will be recorded as having done so. This process means that the trustees' working weekend, scheduled for May 2-3, will have those people present who were originally intended to be.

Please do note that Esperanto House is currently off limits to visitors and purchases from the bookshop might not arrive quite as quickly as usual. La Brita Esperantisto was sent to the printer's last week and so should be with you soon. Once things become clearer regarding the AGM, we will be in touch to make you aware.

In the meantime, restu sanaj kaj sekuraj.



COVID-19: BK2020 and AGM

On March 25, EAB announced that it would have to postpone its AGM too, following the measures put in place by the UK Government to restrict public gatherings and unnecessary travel. There is currently no confirmed date or location for the AGM.

Regrettably, EAB has had to cancel this year’s conference owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. The AGM, a legal obligation, will still take place in line with the notification issued in Update.

The UK Government has issued advice that everyone should cease non-essential contact with others and not engage in unnecessary travel, adding that social venues should be avoided. The advice underlined that this is particularly important for people over 70.

Holding our conference would clearly run completely counter to that advice. The trustees have therefore had no choice but to cancel the event. It is not a decision which EAB has made rashly or in haste. We have, of course, offered a refund to the people who signed up to the conference.

The AGM is more problematic in that holding it is a legal requirement. The Charity Commission has not yet produced guidance, and so the trustees have decided to attempt to hold the AGM as a formality in Leicester at the time and place indicated in our formal notification sent out in Update. Members who cannot attend have been reminded that they can appoint another member to serve as a proxy.


EAB bedaŭrinde devas nuligi la ĉi-jaran Britan Kongreson pro la kronvirusa pandemio. La jarkunveno, kies okazigo estas jura postulo, daŭre okazos laŭ la informoj en Update.

La brita registaro ‘forte konsilas’, ke ĉiuj evitu ne-necesan kontakton kun aliaj, kaj veturu nur se necese. Plie ĝi avertis, ke oni evitu sociajn lokojn, substrekante, ke tiuj konsiloj estas des pli gravaj por tiuj, kiuj estas 70-jaraj aŭ pli aĝaj.

Okazigo de la Brita Kongreso agus tute kontraŭ tiuj konsiloj. EAB tial ne havis alian eblon krom nuligi la aranĝon. Tiun decidon EAB ne faris haste aŭ senpense. Ni kompreneble proponis al aliĝintoj rehavigon de ilia kotizo.

La jarkunveno de EAB estas pli tikla en tio, ke ĝia okazigo estas jura postulo. La Charity Commission ankoraŭ ne proponis konsilojn, kaj tial la estraro de EAB decidis klopodi okazigi la jarkunvenon kiel formalaĵon en Lester’ laŭ la informoj jam senditaj en Update. Membroj de EAB ricevis formularon per kiu ili povos nomumi alian membron por reprezenti la membron en la jarkunveno.



Travel Grants for SES 2020!

Have you never been to an Esperanto event abroad? We'd like to help you take those first steps and are offering £200 towards your costs to participate in Somera Esperanto-Studado in Czechia. It's an an event from July 18 to 26, and encompasses a mix of classroom activities (for all levels), tourism, and socialising -- all in Esperanto, of course!

Details about our scheme


Ĉu vi ĝis nun ne partoprenis Esperantan kunvenon eksterlandan? EAB deziras helpi al vi fari la unuajn paŝojn, kaj proponas £200 por malpezigi la financan ŝarĝon partopreni Someran Esperanto-Studadon en Ĉeĥio. Temas pri evento, kiu daŭras de la 18-a ĝis la 26-a de julio, kaj kiu proponas miksaĵon de instruado (por ĉiuj niveloj), turismado, kaj sociumado -- ĉiuj, kompreneble, en Esperanto!

Detaloj pri nia subvencia propono



Trustees elected for 2019-20

Elections for trusteeship were held at today's AGM. All seven candidates were elected.

Name (for/against/abstain)

Ian Carter (43/5/3)
Edmund Grimley Evans (48/0/3)
Clare Hunter (50/1/0)
Damon Lord (44/3/4)
Lajo Miller (42/3/6)
Ed Robertson (48/3/0)
Richard Smith (45/1/5)

Ian Carter was re-elected president of EAB.



AGM 2019 Paperwork

Several items of paperwork were distributed for the forthcoming AGM with the paper version of Update 84. Members will need to bring these with them. If you happen to lose yours, you can download copies here.


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