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Site Back After Update

We're sorry for the inconvenience caused by the EAB site recently being offline for several days in what is an object and abject case of rotten timing.

We became aware that new financial regulations requiring something called Strong Customer Authentication were about to come into effect in the UK. Without updating the site to comply with them, many customers would have faced a frustrating experience in which card payments were unnecessarily declined. (You may have noticed this yourself when purchasing elsewhere, and may have recently received a communication from your personal bank advising you that you will be asked to confirm your credentials more often when purchasing by card.)

The software running this site needed to be updated to the most recent version in order to communicate correctly with our payment gateway. Our site was always going to break when updated over a major change, doubly so considering that much of it is personalised. Unfortunately, the news clashed with other urgent deadlines which couldn't be immediately dropped to concentrate exclusively on testing updated software and repairing the damage. 

On the positive side, we've now made the essential changes such that you can continue to enjoy a seamless experience when purchasing, and have taken the opportunity to improve several features rather than simply returning them to their previous state. Some pages previously on the site have not yet been repaired/improved. We'll be adding more pages over time, once other pressures abate.

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Confirming that I have just made a purchase myself and that everything indeed went through seamlessly :)

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La retejo estas nun eĉ pli belaspekta ol antaŭe. Gratulon. 😀

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Steve R


Dankon Tim por via laboro je la retejo!

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I tried to make a payment on an established, international site this evening. Four failed attempts using two different cards, until I resorted to PayPal. It's real, folks.

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