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Courses & Events

Studa Semajnfino: 1–2 March 2025

Our first Study Weekend of 2025 will soon be upon us ... and it's FREE! This time we'll be in Manchester.


Our Studa Semajnfino events feature sessions geared towards new learners, intermediate learners, and even people who are on their way to functional fluency. We've invited some experienced Esperanto teachers to contribute to the programme, making sure you're in good hands.

You can find details about the event, including some of what's on offer, here. That page contains a link to a sign-up form.


Saturday 1 March, starting from 09:30, finishing in the early evening. We'll reconvene on Sunday 2 March at 09:00, finishing around 17:00.


The Pendulum Hotel, Sackville Street, Manchester, M1 3BB

What do I get?

  • Free teaching and activities in a relaxed, friendly environment.
  • Refreshments during the day.
  • An opportunity to buy books.

What don't I get?

  • Meals. We'll track those down for ourselves.
  • Accommodation. The venue is a hotel, so you can book to stay there. Use the code DELEGATE to get a discount on your booking. It's nonetheless a bit on the pricey side. We've booked the teachers into the Travelodge Manchester Central on Blackfriars Street, which is a short walk away and more affordable.

Who is the Studa Semajnfino for?

People who have started learning Esperanto (for example, via Duolingo or using Complete Esperanto) all the way up to people who are fairly good but not yet at the stage of being fully conversational.

Who isn't it for?

People who haven't yet started learning Esperanto or people who are already experienced, fluent speakers. Sorry!

What if I need help with travel and accommodation costs?

Drop us a line using the contact form before the event, or tick the box on the sign-up form which says that you would appreciate some financial help! EAB does offer educational grants to people resident in the UK so you might well be able to access some support.

Details and link to the sign-up form


Courses & Events

Aliĝu al la Brita Kongreso de 2025!

Eblas aliĝi al la 105-a Brita Kongreso de Esperanto, kiun gastigos la Pendulum Hotel en Manĉestro, nord-okcidenta Anglujo. Trapasi la enirpordojn eblos post la 16:00 en vendredo, la 4-a de aprilo. La kongreso daŭros ĝis la 17:30 en dimanĉo, la 6-a de aprilo. Pendulum Hotel troviĝas ĉe Sackville Street, Manchester, M1 3BB, nur kelkajn minutojn piede for de la trajnstacio Manchester Picadilly.


Nia ĉefa invitito estas José Antonio “Tonjo” del Barrio, prezidinto de Hispana Esperanto-Federacio. Li prezentos trifoje, kaj estos pliaj prelegoj, diskutrondoj kaj atelieroj dum la semajnfino.

Vi ricevos kafon kaj teon: unufoje en vendredo kaj dimanĉo, kaj dufoje en sabato. La kotizo kostas £75. Ne inkluziviĝas manĝoj aŭ loĝado; tiujn partoprenontoj aranĝos mem. La kongresejo ofertas antaŭmendeblajn leĝerajn lunĉojn en sabato kaj dimanĉo, kontraŭ po £8,50. Certiĝu, ke vi informos nin mendante ilin, se vi deziras manĝi vegetare aŭ vegane! (Pri alergioj, ktp sendu mesaĝon per nia kontakt-formularo.)

Ni aldonos pli da informoj dum la konkretigado de la programo ĉe britakongreso.org/eo. Vizitu de tempo al tempo! Eblas aliĝi per la ĉi-supra ligilo:

La plena gamo de ebloj (kotizo, lunĉoj, io alia poste aldonita) estas videbla sube de tiu ĉi paĝo.


Courses & Events

Sign up to the Brita Kongreso 2025!

You can now sign up for the 105th Brita Kongreso de Esperanto, which will take place in Manchester at the Pendulum Hotel. The doors will open at 4pm on Friday, 4 April. The event will run until 5.30 pm of Sunday, 6 April. The venue is the Pendulum Hotel, Sackville Street, Manchester, M1 3BB.

Our main guest will be José Antonio “Tonjo” del Barrio, a former president of the Spanish Esperanto Federation. He'll be presenting three times, and there will be additional talks, discussion groups and workshops over the weekend.

We'll provide refreshments as part of the conference ticket, which costs £75: once on the Friday and Sunday, twice on Saturday. Meals aren't included, although there is an option to purchase a light lunch from the venue on the Saturday and Sunday for £8.50 each. Make sure to tell us when you sign up if you require vegetarian or vegan food. (Let us know via the contact form about allergies, etc.)

We'll be adding more information as the programme takes shape on britakongreso.org. Make sure to check it! You can sign up here:

The full range of options (the meals, plus anything else we might later add) is visible at the bottom of this page.


Courses & Events

Auld estos celebrata en Edinburgo

En la 6-a de novembro William Auld fariĝus centjara. Esperanto-Asocio de Britio okazigos ceremonion memore al li en la Nacia Biblioteko de Skotlando, al kiu li donacis sian kolekton da proksimume kvinmil Esperanto-libroj.

bill-auld-collection.jpgLa ceremonio okazos posttagmeze en merkredo la 6-a de novembro, lia naskiĝtago, ĉe National Library of Scotland, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EW.

Eblos ankaŭ partopreni ĉiĉeronatan viziton de la biblioteko antaŭe, kaj sekvamatene vidi juvelojn en la librokolekto Auld.

  • 14:15: Ĉiĉerondado en la biblioteko.
  • 15:15: Trinkaĵoj
  • 15:30: Ceremonio memore al William Auld
  • 17:30: Trinkaĵoj, manĝetaĵoj
  • Sekvamatene: ekspozicio de la librokolekto Auld

En la ceremonio estos deklamataj diversaj Auldaĵoj: tiel povos kontribui vi!

Trajnstacio Waverley estas nelonge for de la Biblioteko, kaj troviĝas hoteloj en la ĉirkaŭaĵo.

Estos helpe por nia planado scii, kiom da homoj partoprenos. Se vi intencas, bonvolu indiki en tiu ĉi formularo, des pli, se plaĉos al vi deklami ion dum la ceremonio.


Courses & Events

Studa Semajnfino: 16-17 November 2024

After a successful event in Edgbaston in April, we're running our third Studa Semajnfino, a FREE weekend series of classes. This time we'll be returning to Cambridge!

poster.jpgOur Studa Semajnfino events feature sessions geared towards new learners, intermediate learners, and even people who are on their way to functional fluency. We've invited some experienced Esperanto teachers to contribute to the programme, making sure you're in good hands.

You can find details about the event, including some of what's on offer, here. That page contains a link to a sign-up form.

Saturday 16 November, starting from 09:30, finishing in the early evening. We'll reconvene on Sunday 17 November at 09:00, finishing around 17:00.


The Lord Ashcroft Building at Anglia Ruskin University, East Road, Cambridge CB1 1PT

What do I get?

  • Free teaching and activities in a relaxed, friendly environment.
  • Refreshments during the day.
  • An opportunity to buy books.

What don't I get?

  • Meals. We'll track those down for ourselves.
  • Accommodation. There is a Travelodge and a PremierInn, both less than a mile away on Newmarket Road. Our teachers will be staying at the Travelodge if you want to book into the same hotel as they are, where you can see them outside the classroom.

Who is the Studa Semajnfino for?
People who have started learning Esperanto (for example, via Duolingo or using Complete Esperanto) all the way up to people who are fairly good but not yet at the stage of being fully conversational.

Who isn't it for?
People who haven't yet started learning Esperanto or people who are already experienced, fluent speakers. Sorry!

What if I need help with travel and accommodation costs?
Drop us a line using the contact form before the event, or tick the box on the sign-up form which says that you would appreciate some financial help! EAB does offer educational grants to people resident in the UK so you might well be able to access some support.

Details and link to the sign-up form


Courses & Events

Last few days to sign up to the Brita Kongreso

Our annual conference is just a few days ahead. It will take place in Oxford from Friday, May 3 until the Sunday evening.

If you think you might be interested, visit the conference site. You'll find a link to the programme and to sign up at the top of the page.

If you live in the UK and are interested in participating but cost is keeping you away, let us know: we might be able to help.


Courses & Events

Studa Semajnfino: 6-7 April 2024

After a successful debut in Cambridge on October, we're running our second Studa Semajnfino, a FREE weekend series of classes. This time we'll be in the leafy outskirts of Birmingham in April!

image.jpegOur Studa Semajnfino events feature sessions geared towards new learners, intermediate learners, and even people who are on their way to functional fluency. We've invited some experienced Esperanto teachers to contribute to the programme, making sure you're in good hands.

You can find details about the event, including some of what's on offer, here. That page contains a link to a sign-up form.

Saturday 6 April, starting from 10:00, finishing in the early evening. We'll reconvene on Sunday 7 April at 10:00, finishing around 18:00.

The Edgbaston Park Hotel and Conference Centre, 53 Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham, B15 2RS. You can get to it easily from Birmingham New Street station; several trains leave an hour for University, the nearest stop.

What do I get?

  • Free teaching and activities in a relaxed, friendly environment.
  • Refreshments during the day.
  • An opportunity to buy books.

What don't I get?

  • Meals. We'll track those down for ourselves.
  • Accommodation. The venue is also a hotel. Otherwise, there are plenty of hotels in nearby Birmingham, a short train ride away.

Who is the Studa Semajnfino for?
People who have started learning Esperanto (for example, via Duolingo or using Complete Esperanto) all the way up to people who are fairly good but not yet at the stage of being fully conversational.

Who isn't it for?
People who haven't yet started learning Esperanto or people who are already experienced, fluent speakers. Sorry!

What if I need help with travel and accommodation costs?
Drop us a line using the contact form before the event, or tick the box on the sign-up form which says that you would appreciate some financial help! EAB does offer educational grants to people resident in the UK so you might well be able to access some support.

Details and link to the sign-up form


Courses & Events

Aliĝu al la Brita Kongreso de Esperanto 2024!

Eblas nun aliĝi al la Brita Kongreso, kiun ni okazigos ĉi-jare, memore al Marjorie Boulton, kiu studis tie kaj pasigis la lastajn 46 jarojn de sia vivo tie. 


Ĝi okazos en du proksimaj kongresejoj: Somerville College kaj St Anne's College, Oksfordo, 3–5-an de majo 2024.

Vi estos en amika etoso en spacplena prelego-ĉambro, kun refreŝigaĵoj surloke. Ĉeestos gastprelegantoj invititaj veni el transmare, kaj pluraj aliaj prezentantoj.


  • La programo komenciĝos je la 15:00 en la Flora Anderson Hall de Somerville College.
  • Laŭvola bankedo okazos vespere en la Manĝohalo de Somerville College.


  • Plena tago de programeroj en la ĉambrego Mary Ogilvie en St Anne's College's.
  • Plena tago de programeroj en tri ĉambroj en Somerville College.
  • Laŭmendaj lunĉoj ĉe St Anne's College.
  • Refreŝigaĵoj por ĉiuj ĉe St Anne's College.


  • Jarkunveno de EAB ĉe St Anne's College de la 10:00 ĝis la 12:00.
  • Alternativaj aktivaĵoj por nemembroj ĉe Somerville College en la mateno.
  • Laŭmendaj lunĉoj ĉe St Anne's College.
  • Refreŝigaĵoj por ĉiuj ĉe St Anne's College.
  • Posttagmezaj aktivaĵoj por ĉiuj ĉe St Anne's College.

Indas resti en Oksfordo post la fermo de la kongreso:

La lundo estas feritago en Britujo. Kial ne ĝui Oksfordon, Woodstock, Blenheim Palace: vi jam estos surloke!

En la marda posttagmezze ni starigos malgrandan ceremonion memore al Marjorie Boulton ĉe Somerville College en la tago, kiam ŝi festus sian 100-an naskiĝtagon.

Por kiu taŭgos la kongreso?

Por ĉiu esperantisto, inkluzive de la relative novaj, kiuj faris iom da studado, sed estas alie senspertaj. Estu bonvenaj! Estos aktivaĵoj aparte por komencintoj kaj progresantoj.


Estas multe da hoteloj en la ĉirkaŭaĵo, sed Oksfordo estas monŝtela urbo, kaj tranokti en ĝi estas multekoste. Tial ni rekomendas bonprezan hotelon, kiu troviĝas kvin kilometrojn for, apud bus-servo, kiu bezonas nur dek minutojn por atingi haltejon en Woodstock Road, kie situas la du kongresejoj. Kontrolu ĉe britakongreso.org por pli da informoj.


Ĉu vi deziras partopreni sed ne povos pro la kosto? Ni proponas subvenciojn al homoj, kiuj kutime loĝas en Britujo. Se tio interesas vin, sendu al ni mesaĝon ĉe eab@esperanto.org, aŭ uzi la kontakt-formularon ĉi tie aŭ ĉe britakongreso.org.

Kiel mendi:

  • Vizitu britakongreso.org por legi pli da informoj pri la kongreso, inkluzive pri la prezoj kaj laŭmendaĵoj.
  • Poste alklaku iun el la pluraj butonoj Aliĝu troviĝante tie; la unuan vi trovos paĝsupre:


(:en: You can switch to English using the dropdown on the left.)

Kun tri ĉambretoj en Somerville College kaj 150-personan ĉambregon en St Anne's College, estos multe da spaco por homoj kaj aktivaĵoj!

Ankaŭ vi povus kontribui al la programo. Eble vi volas prezenti fulmprelegeton (prezenteton maksimume kvin minutojn longan) aŭ amuziĝu per muzikumado (Jack Warren starigos sesion Ni muzikumu! kiel lastan jaron en Kembriĝo). Pro tio, ke Marjorie Boulton estis dramaturgo (ne sufiĉis elstari pri poezio, noveloj, eseoj ...) mi opinias, ke estus plezure prezenti unu el ŝiaj teatraĵoj. Se tio ŝajnas al vi alloga, sciigu nin, ĉu per la kontakt-formularo, ĉu per la aliĝo-formularo, kaj ni kontaktos vin estonte, kiam ni havos pli bonan ideon pri la populareco de la propono.


Courses & Events

Sign up to the Brita Kongreso 2024!

We've now opened up sign-up for the Brita Kongreso, the largest annual gathering of Esperanto-speakers in the UK, which will take place in Oxford from 3–5 May 2024.


We chose the city for the 104th Brita Kongreso in memory of Marjorie Boulton; she studied there and spent the last 40+ years of her life there. The event will be held in two nearby venues: Somerville College and St Anne's College, Oxford University.

You'll be in friendly surroundings in a spacious lecture theatre with refreshments on hand, guest speakers invited from overseas, and a host of other presenters.


  • Registration from 15:00 in the Flora Anderson Hall of Somerville College.
  • An optional banquet in the evening in Somerville College's Dining Hall.


  • A full day of programmes in St Anne's College's Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre.
  • A full day of programmes in three smaller rooms in Somerville College.
  • Optional lunches at St Anne's College.
  • Refreshments for all at St Anne's College.


  • EAB's AGM at St Anne's College for EAB members from 10:00 to 12:00.
  • Alternative activities for non-members at Somerville College in the morning.
  • Optional lunches at St Anne's College.
  • Refreshments for all at St Anne's College.
  • An afternoon of activities for all at St Anne's College.

You might also want to stay about longer for a couple of reasons:

  • The Monday is a bank holiday in the UK. Why not enjoy Oxford, Woodstock, Blenheim Palace whilst you're already here?
  • On the Tuesday we are holding a small memorial ceremony for Marjorie Boulton at Somerville College on what would have been her 100th birthday.

Who's the event for?

Every Esperantist! That includes relative newcomers, who have done a little bit of studying already but have never been around other Esperanto-speakers before. You're all welcome, and there will be special activities put on for newer learners.


There are plenty of hotels in Oxford but they're really, really expensive. For this reason we recommend a competitively priced one which is three miles away but located next to a park-and-ride service, which takes ten minutes and three stops to reach Woodstock Road, where the two colleges are located. See britakongreso.org for more information.

Educational grants

Are you keen to participate but the cost is keeping you away? We offer grants to help, as long as you're normally resident in the UK. If you're interested, either contact us on eab@esperanto.org, or use the contact form here or on britakongreso.org.

How to book:

  • First visit britakongreso.org to read more details about the conference, including pricing.
  • Then click any of the Sign Up buttons on that page; there are several, including in the menu at the top of the page:


(:eo: Eblas ŝanĝi al Esperanto alklakante la falmenuon en la maldekstra flanko.)

With three smaller rooms in Somerville College and a 150-person lecture theatre in St Anne's College, there's plenty of space for both people and activities!

You'll have a chance to contribute, too: perhaps you'd like to give a fulmprelegeto (a short presentation up to five minutes long) or have some fun with music (Jack Warren will be holding a Ni muzikumu! session). Since Marjorie Boulton was a playwright on top of excelling as a poet, author and essayist, it would be great to put on one of her plays. If you're interested in that, let us know (either by the contact form or indicating via the sign-up form) and we'll be in touch once we have an idea of numbers.


Courses & Events

Studa Semajnfino: October 28–29

We're taking Esperanto on the road, running a FREE weekend series of classes from Cambridge at the end of October!


Our new Studa Semajnfino will feature sessions geared towards new learners, intermediate learners, and even people who are on their way to functional fluency. We've invited some experienced Esperanto teachers to contribute to the programme, making sure you're in good hands.

You can find details about the event, including some of what's on offer, here. That page contains a link to a sign-up form.

Saturday 28 October, starting from 10:00, finishing in the early evening, although with scope to go back after eating until 21:00 if required/desired. We'll reconvene on Sunday 29 October at 10:00, finishing around 18:00.

The Lord Ashcroft Building at Anglia Ruskin University, East Road, Cambridge CB1 1PT.

What do I get?

  • Free teaching and activities in a relaxed, friendly environment.
  • Refreshments during the day.
  • An opportunity to buy books.

What don't I get?

  • Meals. There are nearby pubs and restaurants, and a Tesco Express for those who want to eat light.
  • Accommodation. There is a Travelodge and a PremierInn, both less than a mile away on Newmarket Street. Our teachers will be staying at the Travelodge if you want to book into the same hotel as they are, where you can see them outside the classroom.

Who is the Studa Semajnfino for?
People who have started learning Esperanto (for example, via Duolingo or using Complete Esperanto) all the way up to people who are fairly good but not yet at the stage of being fully conversational.

Who isn't it for?
People who haven't yet started learning Esperanto or people who are already experienced, fluent speakers.

What if I need help with travel and accommodation costs?
Drop us a line using the contact form before the event, or tick the box on the sign-up form which says that you would appreciate some financial help! EAB does offer educational grants to people resident in the UK so you might well be able to access some support.

We hope to make the Studaj Semajnfinoj a regular event, perhaps varying the location. We need you learners to come along and help make a success of the first one before we book any more, though. Hope to see you there!


Booking for the Studa Semajnfino has now closed.


Courses & Events

Brita Kongreso en aprilo 2023: Kembriĝo

Nian ĉiuĵaran kongreson ni okazigos en Kembriĝo inter la 21-a kaj la 23-a de aprilo. Hanso Becklin, tre sukcese preleginte en nia lastjara kongreso en Kimrujo, revenos de Usono por esti duan sinsekvan fojon la gastpreleganto!


Trovu detalojn pri aliaj prelegontoj kaj prezentoj, kostoj, apudaj hoteloj, plus aliĝo-ligiloj ĉe britakongreso.org.

Se vi loĝas en Britujo kaj estas sub 25-jara aŭ neniam antaŭe ĉeestis Britan Kongreson, povus esti, ke ni proponos al vi subvecion kontraŭ kelkaj el la kostoj. Kontaktu nin kaj ni diskutos!


Courses & Events

Brita Kongreso in April 2023: Cambridge

Our annual conference is being held in Cambridge from April 21 to 23. Hans Becklin, who went down fabulously well in Conwy last year, has been invited back from the USA as the guest presenter!


Find details about what other presenters and presentations are on offer, pricing, nearby hotels, plus sign-up links at britakongreso.org.

If you live in the UK and are under 25 or have never been to a Brita Kongreso before, we may be able to offer a grant towards your costs. Get in touch and we'll have a chat!


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