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Lernu Plu in September 2022

After three years away, we're back to hosting learners at our headquarters, Esperanto House!

Tim Morley will be leading Lernu Plu, our course for learners who aren't yet at a conversational level but who have done a bit of studying.

Learn Esperanto first: Tim Morley at TEDxGranta - YouTube

It targets people at CEFR levels A2 and B1, running on September 10-11, 2022. Have you done a bit of learning, perhaps via Duolingo? Join Tim and other people at a similar level from the comfort of the Butler Library in Barlaston!

The tuition is free, and we'll be providing you with lunches and refreshments. On the Saturday evening, you'll be able to relax in each other's company at a local restaurant. You'll need to arrange your own accommodation (there's a local Travelodge and Premier Inn) if you're travelling from away. The restaurant meal and accommodation costs aren't covered by us, but if you need financial support in order to participate, we have some funding available: please contact us to discuss this if it would be helpful to you.

Details and sign-up form.

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