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Courses & Events

Poezia deklamado en Londono

Plaĉas al EAB anonci, ke kune kun Clive Boutle de Francis Boutle Publishers, ĝi starigas poezian deklamadon en Londono.

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Hispana poeto Jorge Camacho deklamos poemojn de Star in a Night Sky, antologio de Esperanta literaturo, kiun redaktis Paul Gubbins kaj eldonis Francis Boutle:


Jorge ankaŭ deklamos siajn proprajn poemojn, inkluzive de elĉerpaĵoj el sia plej lasta kolekto, Brulvunde:


Plietendiĝis la aranĝo tiel, ke deklamos du pliaj iberiaj poetoj. Martin Veíga lanĉos sian novan dulingvan kolekton Diary of Crosses Green dum Noèlia Díaz Vicedo deklamos en la kataluna:


La sekvan vesperon Jorge Camacho gvidos poezian atelieron en Esperanto ĉe la Londona Esperanto-Klubo.



Courses & Events

Poetry reading in Esperanto in London

EAB is pleased to have arranged, in conjunction with Clive Boutle of Francis Boutle Publishers, a poetry reading in London.

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Spanish poet Jorge Camacho will read poetry from Star in a Night Sky, an anthology of Esperanto literature, edited by Paul Gubbins and published by Francis Boutle:


Jorge will also read some of his own original poetry, including extracts from his latest collection Brulvunde:


The event has expanded to include two other Iberian poets. Martin Veíga will launch his bilingual collection Diary of Crosses Green while Noèlia Díaz Vicedo recites poetry in Catalan:


The following night, Jorge Camacho will hold a poetry workshop in Esperanto at the London Esperanto Club.



Courses & Events

Lernu & Lernu Plu in March 2019

Can't make Lernu or Lernu Plu in February? Not a problem -- we're pleased to announce that there will be a session in March too!

Maurizio Giacometto (Lernu) and Chris Lewis (Lernu Plu) will be making their debuts as EAB tutors as they lead FREE sessions at EAB's headquarters on March 30-31. Both are excellently positioned to understand and support our beginners since they too were beginners only a few short years ago. You're in good hands! Details


Courses & Events

Lernu & Lernu Plu in February 2019

We've got good news for our new learners! Two very popular teachers have confirmed dates for sessions at Barlaston on February 9 and 10.

Ariel Bonkorpa (Lernu) and Tim Morley (Lernu Plu) will be pleased to welcome friends new and old to their FREE sessions at EAB's headquarters. Details


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